Welcome to A.I. in Eye Care
A.I. in Eye Care is designed to bring all eye care professionals the research, news, and clinical pearls they need on the latest technologies. Learn the ins and outs of artificial intelligence from Professional Co-Editor Dr. Scot Morris, including what to expect from this monthly newsletter.
Reflections From AAO 2024
At this year's American Academy of Ophthalmology meeting, A.I. took center stage. Professional Co-Editor Dr. Rehan Ahmed breaks down all things A.I. from the recent event, including the latest innovations, real-world applications, how technology can change your practice, and more.
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic since the public has witnessed the incredible potential and creativity of OpenAI’s GPT, Meta’s LLama, Anthropic’s Claude, and Google’s Gemini, to name a few. In this article, Dr. Masoud Nafey provides a detailed overview of A.I. and how ECPs can best use it to their advantage.
Your Front Row Seat to the Artificial Intelligence Revolution
Jobson hosted “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution: Practical Applications in Eye Care Today” at Vision Expo West on Sept. 18, 2024. Dr. Scot Morris shares an in-depth look at the standing-room only event, including the speaker highlights, the biggest takeaways, and the future of A.I.
How A.I. and Robotics are Shaping the Future of Eye Care
Learn from Dr. Rehan Ahmed how robotic platforms equipped with A.I. and enhanced imaging technologies enable them to perform intricate tasks with greater dexterity and real-time decision-making. He breaks down the ins and outs of the latest technology in A.I. and robotics here:
PODCAST: Dr. Howard Purcell Interacts Live with His Own A.I. Avatar, Dr. Howard Purcell